With 2017 marking AFL’s 10th year, we are pleased to announce we have procured some property to call our own. Our goal for the immediate future is to build a lodge and to take away, if for even a short period, a Veteran’s day to day worries and give them a place to feel peace and serenity. Right now we offer various outdoor activities for our disabled Veterans at NO cost to them. As of 2019, we have hosted disabled Veterans from 25 different states across America. All that we ask is that they get to us, and America’s Freedom Lodge, along with our partners and sponsors, cover the rest. Our outdoor activities take place on local private and public land. We know we could not provide the experiences we do without the several people, organizations, and companies that stand with us to give back to our disabled Veterans.
Please consider partnering with us to show your appreciation to those who have given so much of themselves to assure that our freedom remains.
Make your tax-deductible contribution payable to: Amercias’s Freedom Lodge
To Honor and Serve Those Who Have Paid the Price for Freedom by Making the Impossible Possible.